Sunday, September 24, 2006

In The Mean Time

Sometimes (and those can be long stretches of time) I don’t feel like I have anything worth writing about. So I stop.

The truth is many things have happened since I last wrote. Like, showing my work From The Street at the John Slade Ely House over the summer. I also met several new and amazing people this summer. I took a lot of photos of homes (both inside and out) which I’m hoping I can turn into a show one day. I went to Wyoming this summer to visit Justin while he worked in Jackson Hole. I became a regular patron of the farmers market and have begun baking my own breads and cultivating my own yogurt. I moved to a new apartment (that would make this one move #12). I started feeding birds and then a stray cat and inadvertently a possum and a skunk. I went to work for a real estate broker then went to real estate school. I bought a bicycle for $25 and then summarily amassed a collection of 4 more bikes. I used one of my bikes to happily discover the beaches of West Haven. I ate less, exercised a lot, and lost weight. I kept a food journal, read books about the stock market, real estate, economics, and began buying clothes on-line. I started sitting in on an art/video class directed by Michel Auder at Yale’s art school. And truthfully, I procrastinated a lot.

Instead of feeling bad about all my dallying Justin encouraged me to see procrastination as an: “…effective and useful time management tool that helps enforce prioritization of tasks as well as ensuring a maximal and efficient use of ones energy.”


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